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Thank you VERY much indeed for coming over so promptly yesterday, and for all your help and advice.  It is very much appreciated.

I’m pleased to say that organ started up without any problem and performed perfectly throughout  the Requiem Mass.  The relatives of the deceased had been aware on Sunday of the organ not working, and told me today that they had been dreading the Mass without it.  In the mother’s words “It was wonderful to have the organ again. It made all the difference”.

So thank you again for all your attention and good work.

Jim Tomsett – St Saviour’s & St Peter’s, Eastbourne




I would like to thank you and all of your staff involved with the work here at St Saviours, Eastbourne. The new equipment was installed professionally, and on time. Your engineers were polite, courteous, and professional, to me and the Churchwardens. I was very pleased to see the smart appearance of the blower and motor. It now is a piece of equipment to look after and be proud of, and, I am sure will last for many years to come.

Alan Otaway – Staffway Electrical

